Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Action Genre Research

A breif history of Action. 

The genre action was born in 1920s. In the 1920s the genre action was called "adventure". As years went by there were more and more variations. In the 1960s the legendary James Bond films launched. James Bond takes a big place in action genre as it inspired modern day action films. 

Some notable action films:

James Bond
The Expandables 
Batman Dark Knight

These notable films have notable actors;

Sylvester Stallone 
Arnold Schwarzenegger 
Jackie Chan
Daniel Craig

Film analysis:


This is the first Rocky film made in 1976. In this film series Rocky Balboa is a struggling boxer which is waiting for the chance to make it big and become a professional boxer instead of a struggling boxer. Heavyweight champion Apollo Creed visits Philadelphia to fight a struggling boxer and he fights Rocky Balboa. Apollo Creed is meant to win the match easily as he is a heavyweight champion for boxing however his opponent has this one chance to make it big as he is a struggling boxer.

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