Friday, 17 October 2014

Representation of Gender

Males and Females are represented really different in media. Males are always the Superhero's or the action stars. Females are represented as figures almost like objects for example sex figures or a figure that is being saved by the male hero. There is countable films where a female hero how ever there are so many films of males as the hero's it is impossible to count the amount of films.

The image and representation of women in the media has been a subject of concern for so long now. The research that I done shows that there are way fewer females then males in all forms of media where it is, acting, director, writer, cameraman however the only thing males and females are equal in is the representing in news.

Also in advertisement, television programming, newspaper and magazines to comic books and games there are females shown.

Women believe that they are shown as sex objects in media. Also women believe that they are the natural recipients of beatings, harassment, sexual assault and murder.

Men are also stereo typed in media. Masculinity is often associated with independence, competition, aggression and violence. Advertisement that are aimed for women will generally have a metro-sexual male with a masculine body in the advert.

The media is patriarchal, they show men as if they are the only human beings that live on the earth as if there are no females on the earth.

There are seven stereotypes of men in media based on researches. The big shot, professional status he is the epitome of success. The action hero, strong but not always silent often angry and aggressive). The strong silent type, focuses in being in charge and contains emotions. The jock, must avoid being soft must fight and show power and strength through physical exertion. The jocker, a character with other men this stereotype suggests men should never be serious. The metro sexual, the one with female features. The fool, the stupid father.

In the James Bond Casino Royale film there is a scene where James Bond is killing another man in front of a female actor. The female character is represented as really horrified and not able to do anything as if the females brain freezed for the entire fighting scene. On the other hand the film cat woman represents the female as the main character and she is represented as a super hero. The female is represented as a strong silent character. This suggests that women are represented different in different films.

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