Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Creating a brand

                                                                  Creating a Brand

I have researched about Brands that produce comedy films frequently and I have found the most suitable studio is Colombia pictures.

In the logo of Colombia Pictures, we see a statue of a woman standing with a draped American flag wrapped around her body and her hand up with a really old torch shining on the clouds above her. We see that the sun is shining on the top clouds but the bottom clouds are dark. Colombia Pictures is a American founded, American film company. The logo is really figurative it stands out. The connotations of the blue sky is prosperity, meaning that the company are successful. The connotations of the statue holding a light to the clouds are the woman is shining the world up. The connotations of the clouds behind the statue that has no shine on them from the light the statue is holding is the company is making a difference.

My Logo:

I created my logo on Photoshop. It took me a hour to create the logo with some help from my teacher.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Action Comedy

Opening scene. Comedy.

 I have chosen to analyse a comedy opening scene as it has influenced me and my group to do comedy. I am analyzing Ali G opening scene. The film Ali G is a parody comedy. Parody comedy means something created to mock, comment on or poke fun on at an original work.

The typography of the opening scene of Ali G is Bold and White. Bold and white signifies purity and innocence.

Mis-en-scene in this opening scene you can see that there is a lot of gangsters on the road where Ali G is driving and the whole point of the film Ali G is to mock gangsters. We see two girls that are really good looking and Ali G trying to save them from the gangsters and he does so. Also we see that the gangsters try to shoot Ali G however Ali G is trying to save the kid that is crossing the road so the kid does not risks his life and saves the kid. However it is all a dream of Ali G wanting to be like that.

There is a enigma code used in the film as the gangsters are shooting the audience think that Ali G or the kid is going to get shot however they do not know that it is all a dream.

The genre of this film is Parody Comedy. Parody comedy is something created to mock, comment on or poke fun on at an original work.

There is a really interacting sound track over everything that is happening, the sound track is a old school 1980 Jamaican song. The Jamaican song is chosen on purpose because Ali G dresses like a Jamaican and also puts on a Jamaican accent.

There is a lot of close up shots in the film Ali G as it is trying to show facial expressions to make people laugh also there is medium shots to show how tough people are and if they have a weapon, what they are wearing and all these things. The medium close ups are used to show anything that signifies gangsters as it is a gangster mocking film. In this film I haven't witnessed more then 2 long shots.

There is abit of editing in the opening scene as it is a scene where the main character is getting shot at as the whole audience will guess that the main character wouldnt die in the beginning scene. There is a effect used when Ali G is getting shot at and he blocks a bullet with a ring.

In conclusion I think that Ali G has a really good opening for the opening scene because it gives quite a good taster of how the film is going to be to the ones who never watched it. It suits the genre of parody and gives of a really funny emotion.

Response to the breif.

Response to the brief

My name is Sukru Agca, I attend the Bridge Academy sixform and I study Cisco, Politics and Media. The main reason why I chose media is because I love watching films and analyzing the representations and meanings of films.

This year I have been asked to create a short opening scene that lasts up to 2 minutes approximately in a group. My group has choose to do a comedy opening scene. I will explain a little about comedy in this paragraph. Comedy may be divided into multiple genres based on the source of humor, the method of delivery, and the context in which it is delivered. These classifications overlap, and most comedians can fit into multiple genres. For example, deadpan comics often fall into observational boom comedy, or into black comedy or blue comedy to contrast the morbidity or offensiveness of the joke with a lack of emotion. Comedies are lighthearted plots deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, language, actions, relationships and characters.


Preliminary Task.

My preliminary task was a brief to show my understanding of editing. This means I had to film where a character walks through a door and stands opposite another character and both characters have a couple of lines of dialogue. I needed to highlight my understanding of media by filming a match on action shot, shot reverse shot, and not break the 180 degree rule.

My preliminary video has been shortened to 30 seconds because of the app, Cute Cut.


In the preliminary task I like the fact that I never broke the 180 degree rule also I met everything on the criteria by filming two characters opposite each other also both characters have a couple lines of dialogue. The task was hard to complete as it was my first time filming however I really enjoyed the task. Also at one point I broke the 180 degrees rule so in result I had to retake the film.

I understand all the rules of filming for example the 180 degree rule and the match on action. I am most proud of my over the shoulder shots as I think they are best taken. I have made a story board and made my preliminary video by the story board how ever I can't put my storyboard up on the blogger website.


On the first time round of taking the film the things that went wrong was the 180 degree rule and the match on action.  So I failed it first time round however I retook the scenes that I failed so the preliminary can be at its best.

The one scene that didn't look right was the conversation between two characters. The 180 degree rule was broken so the shot looked wrong. However I am really proud with the framing of the shots that are taken because there is a right amount of head room this may be because there was a mid shot, close up and long shot.

The one tool that really helped me make my preliminary task even better is my iPad. The iPad helped me edit the movie and also put it back together. Also it was easy to record on the iPad although it was handheld it was really steady.

How I could improve my preliminary task is by adding more effects for example adding a sound track over the acting also there are a lot of jump cuts that could be sorted out. Furthermore I could have a better and wider set to film the classroom is really small and it is packet with tables and chairs.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Seven analysis


In this blog I will be analysing the opening scene of the film Seven. Seven was published in 1995, the genre of Seven is Thriller. A thriller is a sort of film that will keep an audience cliff hanging on the edge of their seats. A thriller is a novel, play or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime.


The genre of the film is Thriller. Thriller is a sort of film that will keep an audience cliff hanging on the edge of their seats. A thriller is a novel, play or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime. In the film there is a enigma code as the film starts with a investigation of someones death.


The use of camera is very important in a thriller film. In the opening scene, there was a range of different camera shots for example there was panning around characters,  mid-shots to show from waist to head for clothing and body type. Also there was extreme close ups to show emotions. There is a low angle shot to show the 2 main characters in the film. The reason why low angle show might be chosen to show the two main characters is because the camera is looking up to the two main characters so it suggests they have power, it is a low angle two shot to show both characters. There is a over the shoulder shot to show what the character is doing through the mirror.


In the crime scene you can hear police announcements this adds a effect to the scene because its a murder scene and you can see there is police in the scene over the dead body. More like detectives then police as you can hear one of the characters talking about a argument so its almost like its a big investigation. Also you can hear cars from the street going past and when one of the characters are walking you can hear each and every foot step that is taken. Furthermore when the characters walk outdoors it is raining you can hear the cars going past and the rain dripping down. Also when the character is at home you can hear police sirens at the background.

Mise-en-scene :

The mise-en-scene in the opening scene shows that the main actor of the film is very tidy as we can see that he has everything tidy and all his stuff in order for his work. The character has his bed really neatly done also there is a piece of dirt on the jacket his going to wear he gets the dirt and chucks it to the floor.  At the crime scene we see that there is a dead body lying on the floor also there is a lot of blood on the floor too. We see that there is people standing over the dead body. Also whilst the character is at his kitchen we can see that the blinds are shut this suggests that the character is blocking himself from the rest of the world. Also the whole house is dark this suggests that none of the blinds in the house is open.

Furthermore the character has all his equipment layed out for when his going to go out. We see that there is badge which suggests that his going to work, there is a knife this suggests that the character is protecting him self from something or someone. Also in another scene there is a dead body on the floor with people surrounding the dead body and talking about it. Also we can see a lot of blood on the floor this suggests that it wasn't a normal death there was violence involved.

On the other hand there is a scene with a middle shot to show a detective. The reason why there is a middle shot to show waist up from the detective to show the gun on his waist also the blood at the back on the window.


There is a lot of cross cutting from one of the characters to another character. All the clips is not in chronological order it gives the idea of time in the film. Some of the transitions are fades, some are cross fade and some fade to black. The effects of the fades are the links in the sequences of the films. The fade to black reflects to sincerity and darkness in the overall film. Some of the fades are slow motion when it is slow motion the music was slow. As the sequence builds up and gets faster towards the end it creates tension.


The style and appearance of printed matter. In the opening credits of Se7en the font is really spooky. When you watch the opening credits the font makes you think that the film is going to be a horror movie however it is an thriller. The font resembles with handwriting.


In conclusion the opening of this thriller film engages the audience well. It engages us because it leaves us with unanswered questions.

Representation of Gender

Males and Females are represented really different in media. Males are always the Superhero's or the action stars. Females are represented as figures almost like objects for example sex figures or a figure that is being saved by the male hero. There is countable films where a female hero how ever there are so many films of males as the hero's it is impossible to count the amount of films.

The image and representation of women in the media has been a subject of concern for so long now. The research that I done shows that there are way fewer females then males in all forms of media where it is, acting, director, writer, cameraman however the only thing males and females are equal in is the representing in news.

Also in advertisement, television programming, newspaper and magazines to comic books and games there are females shown.

Women believe that they are shown as sex objects in media. Also women believe that they are the natural recipients of beatings, harassment, sexual assault and murder.

Men are also stereo typed in media. Masculinity is often associated with independence, competition, aggression and violence. Advertisement that are aimed for women will generally have a metro-sexual male with a masculine body in the advert.

The media is patriarchal, they show men as if they are the only human beings that live on the earth as if there are no females on the earth.

There are seven stereotypes of men in media based on researches. The big shot, professional status he is the epitome of success. The action hero, strong but not always silent often angry and aggressive). The strong silent type, focuses in being in charge and contains emotions. The jock, must avoid being soft must fight and show power and strength through physical exertion. The jocker, a character with other men this stereotype suggests men should never be serious. The metro sexual, the one with female features. The fool, the stupid father.

In the James Bond Casino Royale film there is a scene where James Bond is killing another man in front of a female actor. The female character is represented as really horrified and not able to do anything as if the females brain freezed for the entire fighting scene. On the other hand the film cat woman represents the female as the main character and she is represented as a super hero. The female is represented as a strong silent character. This suggests that women are represented different in different films.

Monday, 22 September 2014



These classifications overlap, and most comedians can fit into multiple genres. For example, deadpan comics often fall into observational boom comedy, or into black comedy or blue comedy to contrast the morbidity or offensiveness of the joke with a lack of emotion.
Comedies are lighthearted plots deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, language, actions, relationships and characters. 

I have done some research about the genre of Comedy and I have summarised the main points. This is the website I got the useful information from.

comedy sub- genres;
  • Slapstick- Slapstick comedy is a sub-genre of film that incorporates physical comedy into the story. Slapstick uses visual action, such as harmless violence and horseplay, to depict humor. Slapstick film often relies on comedic timing and a controlled psychical performance of a single actor or actress. Film example Tommy Boy.          
Screwball- Slapstick was predominant in the earliest silent films, since they didn't need sound to be effective, and they were popular with non-English speaking audiences in metropolitan areas. The term slapstick was taken from the wooden sticks that clowns slapped together to promote audience applause. Film example, Bride of Chucky.

Parodies- Parody/Spoof is a sub-genre of Comedy film that bases itself in reality. These films impersonate, ridicule, or scoff at serious situations and people. These films rely heavily on satire and can be used as a means of social or political commentary. Parody/Spoof films can also take the form in a fake documentary called a “Mockumentary.” film example The scary movie.

  • Romantic comedies-  Romantic-Comedy is a genre that attempts to catch the viewer’s heart with the combination of love and humor. This sub-genre is light-hearted and usually places the two protagonists in humorus situation. Romantic-Comedy film revolves around a romantic ideal, such as true love. In the end, the ideal triumphs over the situation or obstacle, thus creating a happy ending. Film example roman holiday.

Black comedy-  Black Comedy is a sub-genre of both Comedy and Satire. These films often explore concepts and topics that are considered taboo. Black Comedy takes topics and situations that are commonly held as serious and explores them in a comical way. Because of this approach, Black Comedies often cause the audience to laugh and feel uncomfortable simultaneously. Film example Fargo.

Action Comedy- As it’s names suggests, this sub-genre combines action with humor. Action-Comedy relies on the characters to bring out the humor, while the action scenes tend to be less intense than in the traditional action movie. Film example Rush Hour.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The Expandables

The Expendables.

My favourite film opening is the expendables. The reasons why my favourite film opening is the expendables is because in the film opening when you watch it you can feel that the rest of the 2 hours is going to be absolutely great. The opening gives you the feeling of the genre you know that it is going to be a action film however the team is going on a mission that may be a one way ticket as the screen shots show they are all trying to rest to get there energy also in one of the screen shots one of the actor takes out a picture of there family and kisses the picture this suggests they are going to a very hard mission. 

Also the expendables is my favourite film because it has a great cast and all the cast are the people I use to watch as a kid. 

Friday, 12 September 2014

About Me

My name is Sukru Agca, I attend the Bridge academy six form. In the six form I study AS Media, AS Politics, AS Turkish and Cisco. The reason why I chose AS Media is because I was really interested about media also the six formers two years older then me was explaining Media to be really interesting and also the taster day I thought Media was really good. I chose AS Politics because I have a huge interest to politics. On the other hand I chose AS Turkish because Turkish is my mother language so I am a really good Turkish writer and speaker so it will be easy for me too pass Turkish and get a additional a level and more ucas points. lastly I do cisco because I am interested in computer systems.