Monday, 23 February 2015


In this blog post I am going to talk about what narrative is and the different theories with in a narrative.

The narrative is plot+story.

Plot- what the reader can observe audibly and visibly.
Story- what the reader understands.
Narrative- a chain of events in a cause and effect relationship in time and space.

Narrative theorist: Vladimir Propp

Vladimir Propp quoted that narrative structure can be determined by the roles of characters.

 Also Vladimir Propp quotes that "character roles help us understand the constructed nature of the narrative.

Villain- Struggles with the hero.
Hero- Reacts to the donor.
Dispatcher- Sends hero on a mission.
The false hero- Acts like a hero however is evil.
Donor- Aids the hero.
Princess- Mainly the reward of hero/ victim of the villain and punishes villain.
Father- Rewards hero.

Applying this theory to Batman Darks Knight.
Villain- The Joker
Hero- Batman
Dispatcher- The civillians
The false hero- Harvey Dent
Donor- Alfred
Princess- Rachel Dawes
Father- Police officer

Friday, 20 February 2015

Film studio research

I done this research to check different companies which create film on a large scale and small scale to see the different effects the size of the budget can have when creating a film.

Audience research.

I have researched about the genre that I have chosen to use in my project to see what aspects of action comedy audience like. The link below shows me asking questions to my target audience about what they enjoy of action comedy.

I have asked these particular questions to see what people aged 16 to 25 like to see in a action comedy genre and how I can implement these in there.

The questions I have asked to three of these individuals were what was there favourite genre and why it was there favourite genre. I asked these questions because I wanted to know specifically what I can add extra to my project to make it better. Furthermore these questions help strengthening my understanding of the genre and what people find most enjoyable in it.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


In this blog I am going to talk about the variety of camera angles and shots and which ones I will be using in my opening scene.

Close up -

Close ups are generally used to identify facial expressions. The certain area that the close up is focused on it normally takes up all the frame. Close ups are used for detail and to cut in. 

Long shot- 
Long shots are used to show surroundings and sometimes used to show the background. Long shots are used to show the audience the whole setting. 

Over the shoulder shot- 
Over the shoulder shot helps the audience get the feel of looking at one person from another persons point of view. Its common to cut through these shots during a conversation. 

Mid-shot -    Mid shot is between close up and long shot. Mid shot is used to show physical elements of the person on the cover or the background. Mid shot shows the face in a comfortable way without a close up. 

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Mood board for Action comedy

I have created a mood board to show common visual elements from the same genre. These film covers are films that are action comedy genres. All the film covers have on thing in general none are close up shots or long shots, all of them are mid-shots to show gestures and expressions. Mid shots show the background as well as gestures and physical elements.